Saturday, February 19, 2011

Flashpoint 414 - Madison Madcap (2011)

Flashpoint 414 - Madison Madcap (2011) from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

The governor of Wisconsin is moving to take away the right of state employees to unionize as a way to cut state spending, and tens of thousands rally against him. Panelists include: James Dee, Rachel Fabian, Tom Dionesotes and Alfred Snider.

Flashpoint is a regular program of issues and ideas sponsored by the Lawrence Debate Union at the University of Vermont.​debateblog/​LDU/​The_Team.html

The Flashpoint website is at​

Flashpoint programs in archive can be found on the ftp site labeled with show number and title (0390showtitle).​~debate/​watch

Thanks to Vermont Community Access Media for their support.​

Flashpoint 413 - Kill the Internet? (2011)

Flashpoint 413 - Kill the Internet? (2011) from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

Legislation has been proposed to create a "kill switch" for the Internet. These and less extreme proposals are described and evaluated. Panelists include: James Dee, Rachel Fabian, Tom Dionesotes and Alfred Snider.

Flashpoint is a regular program of issues and ideas sponsored by the Lawrence Debate Union at the University of Vermont.​debateblog/​LDU/​The_Team.html

The Flashpoint website is at​

Flashpoint programs in archive can be found on the ftp site labeled with show number and title (0390showtitle).​~debate/​watch

Thanks to Vermont Community Access Media for their support.​

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Flashpoint 412 - Arab Unrest (2011)

Flashpoint 412 - Arab Unrest (2011) from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

Unrest in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and other Arab countries has surprised and baffled many but not all analysts. This panel takes their turn at looking into the situation. Panelists include: James Dee, Dan Cmelja, Luc ALicea and Alfred Snider.

Flashpoint is a regular program of issues and ideas sponsored by the Lawrence Debate Union at the University of Vermont.​debateblog/​LDU/​The_Team.html

The Flashpoint website is at​

Flashpoint programs in archive can be found on the ftp site labeled with show number and title (0390showtitle).​~debate/​watch

Thanks to Vermont Community Access Media for their support.​
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Flashpoint 411 - States of Bankruptcy (2011)

Flashpoint 411 - States of Bankruptcy (2011) from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

Newt Gingrich thinks that states should be allowed to go bankrupt. This program analyzes that proposal. Panelists include: James Dee, Dan Cmejla, Luc Alicea and Alfred Snider.

Flashpoint is a regular program of issues and ideas sponsored by the Lawrence Debate Union at the University of Vermont.​debateblog/​LDU/​The_Team.html

The Flashpoint website is at​

Flashpoint programs in archive can be found on the ftp site labeled with show number and title (0390showtitle).​~debate/​watch

Thanks to Vermont Community Access Media for their support.​
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