Saturday, January 22, 2011

Flashpoint 410 - Guns and Words (2011)

Flashpoint 410 - Guns and Words (2011) from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

A discussion of gun availability, mental illness and incendiary political rhetoric. Panelists include: James Dee, Dan Cmejla, Daniel Yuan, Sherry Zhao and Alfred Snider.

Flashpoint is a regular program of issues and ideas sponsored by the Lawrence Debate Union at the University of Vermont.​debateblog/​LDU/​The_Team.html

The Flashpoint website is at​

Flashpoint programs in archive can be found on the ftp site labeled with show number and title (0390showtitle).​~debate/​watch

Thanks to Vermont Community Access Media for their support.​
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Flashpoint 409 - One Child Policy (2011)

Flashpoint 409 - One Child Policy (2011) from Alfred Snider on Vimeo.

China's "one child policy" has had a dramatic effect on that nation and the world, but was it worth the cost? Panelists include: James Dee, Dan Cmelja, Daniel Yuan, Sherry Zhao and Alfred Snider.

Flashpoint is a regular program of issues and ideas sponsored by the Lawrence Debate Union at the University of Vermont.​debateblog/​LDU/​The_Team.html

The Flashpoint website is at​

Flashpoint programs in archive can be found on the ftp site labeled with show number and title (0390showtitle).​~debate/​watch

Thanks to Vermont Community Access Media for their support.​
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